A/B Testing

Test your ideas to improve the buying experience and increase conversion.

WiqHit is the retailer in your store.

Why A/B Testing?

You can see WiQhit as the seller in your store. By saying the right things at the right time, the salesperson responds to the behavior of his customer. But what if the door locks, or the user experience falls short of expectations? Then the seller is down 1-0. You just want to start the conversation with an advantage. Then you can better convince visitors.

With A/B Testing, you can improve the user experience of your online visitors. This way, they convert from visitor to customer more quickly. Of course, your visitors are not aware of these tests, so they sincerely respond to variants you show. The big advantage of A/B testing is that you can quickly test ideas and hypotheses in practice. Without having to make major investments in development right away. You can implement innovations quickly and — if the test results are positive — achieve more conversions and sales.
Organize A/B tests in various ways

What can you A/B Test

In WiQhit, you can A/B testing arrange in various ways. First, it is possible to modify specific elements on the page. Common example: changing the color of a call-to-action button.

You can also multivariate use tests to try out various variants at the same time. This works especially if you have a lot of visitors and have enough data to draw conclusions in a relatively short time.

With splitpage testing compare 2 different web pages. For example, a new design that you want to implement. Or the order in which the texts and images are displayed.

More advanced is the use of multipage linked tests where you adjust an element on different pages, such as the homepage, category or product pages and check-out. Through the segmenting of your tests, you can use them more effectively. Link the phase in the customer journey, a target group or the moment of screening to your test.

Why A/B Testing with WiQhit?

WiQhit makes it possible to A/B Test all your ideas easily. Even if you have no technical skills. And without extensive training. Of course, the WiQhit Team is ready to help you. You can also quickly get started yourself with our explainer videos. In the WiQhit dashboard, you have a complete overview of your test performance. You can go in any direction: from setting multiple conversion goals per test to analyzing statistics per customer segment.
Easy-to-use dashboard and reporting tools

Measure impact with A/B testing

In addition, WiQhit supports A/B testing within personalization settings, so companies can measure exactly which adjustments have the biggest impact. With a user-friendly dashboard and reporting tools, insight into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness becomes immediately available.
Test for free for the first month

Ready to get started with WiQhit?

“We're happy to help you exceed your online goals. WiQhit not only offers a cool tool, but also the best support to use personalization easily and successfully.”

Jaap van Baar Co-owner WiQhit

Any further questions?

What is A/B testing and why is it useful?

A/B testing helps you improve the user experience by testing different variants of a page. This increases the chance of conversions without major investments in development.

Can I perform tests without technical knowledge?

Yes, WiqHit is user-friendly and requires no technical skills.

What insights do I get from A/B testing?

You'll get insights into conversion goals, order value, bounce rate, and segment analysis.